10 October, 2010

John's Last Autograph

There's been a recent debate over what should be done with John's last autograph. The problem is, as special as it may be, it played a huge role in his death. Should it be destroyed? Should it be sold? Should it be in a museum? Should it remain wherever it currently is? Should they do something else with it?

It's his very last autograph. I can't imagine destroying anything John-related, but especially something as sacred as his last autograph...but who did he sign it for? Who owned that album that got signed? What happened later that day? There's a very ugly connection between the tragedy of John's murder and that darn autograph. It's not just an autograph. It represents something horrific.

I'm going to do something I don't often do and share some opinions of mine to inspire thought:

If it's sold, someone is making money off John's murder. NO!

If it's destroyed, something very precious [the fact that it is John's autograph] and historically significant [though it's significant in a bad way] is gone. That's way too permanent of a decision too. NO.

If it's displayed in a museum, it may or may not be sold...which goes back to the money-making point. Even if it's donated, though, it's kind of disturbing that people would stare at that album with some kind of admiration or interest. It's something so important AND so horrible, I don't know if that people being interested in paying it a visit is a good thing or not! If I knew that it was on display at a museum nearby, would I go see it? I really am not even sure. It's so tricky, being something both so important and horrible. The bottom line is that, if it's on display, it's giving his murderer the fame he wanted. For that reason, NO!

If it's locked away out of sight until the end of time, does that really do anything? It may be in existence that way, but it almost might as well be destroyed...well, not really, but close. Ehh...no.

Would it do any good to take it on tour with people who speak about gun safety or something kind of anti-violence? Would people looking at that album before their eyes create so much reality and sympathy about the situation that it would make a difference? I don't know. It would still be giving the murderer fame, but for a good cause. Ehh...I don't know.

There's been talk about just giving it to Yoko/his children/family, but I doubt they would want that hanging around. No.