18 February, 2015

Parting Ways: An Unauthorized Story On Life After The Beatles

If you've ever seen a documentary by this name, I'd love to hear from you, especially if you're either a Beatles expert or a fairly clean slate. It recently came on a channel called NEWSX & I watched it this afternoon. Here were my initial thoughts:

  • Nothing will ever compare to the Anthology, so try to be fair!
  • I would probably not be against the idea of recommending this to someone who is a clean slate & wanted a brief summary of what happened to each of them after the Beatles broke up.
  • It seemed to focus on negativity. I wouldn't want it to be inaccurate & only focus on the positives, but if you don't explain or expand upon the negatives, it just seems ugly.
  • I didn't notice any big problems with it.
  • It was painfully condensed, but to fit decades of information from 4 different perspectives into an hour has got to be frustrating!
  • I would recommend that any clean slates watching this have a Q&A with an expert friend of theirs afterward for clarifications.
  • It wasn't a waste of time. I'd probably watch it again.
  • I know my stuff. I'm not sure what kind of impression this would leave on a clean slate, though.

Hmm. I recommend all knowledgeable fanatics to watch this & let me know your opinions about it. I recommend all clean slates to watch this (while considering that it may not be a good overview at all) & give feedback to how it made you feel.