12 January, 2010

Would you support a Paul & Nancy wedding?

With rumors swirling this morning about a wedding, I think this is perfect timing! I only know of 2 sources right now:



He was with Linda for thirty years. He'll never have another Linda. I think Heather was his attempt to try and recapture such magic, and as we all know, it was disastrous...not just because it can't be recaptured, but also because Heather was a REALLY bad choice. [If you're reading this, Heather, my sincere apologies. I'm stating my opinions here.]

Nancy seems perfect, like a very smart choice, but there still will never be another Linda. This is the part that has me torn...but it seems like they are and could be really happy. When it comes to Nancy, I think I'll be happy no matter which choice me makes...unlike that last marriage! HAH!

The following was originally composed in 2008. It can also be seen on BeatleSpace.

It was only about three years ago that he said he was done with women completely, but I knew that wouldn’t last long! I don’t know for sure what I would think about him getting married again, but I know that is probably what he really wants. I was passionately against Heather from the very beginning, and went on an angry rampage the day they announced their engagement!

I haven’t heard one bad thing about Nancy, and she seems rather lovely. She’s got her own success and money, so that probably makes Paul feel safe...but even though I haven’t heard anything bad about Nancy, I haven’t heard much at all. I’m not sure we know enough to make a good and accurate judgment about her...but anything is an improvement on Heather, really!

I would probably support the decision overall, but I’d be afraid that he’s moving too fast...again. He always moves too fast, I think. Most especially when you’re Paul McCartney, you’ve got to be really careful about these things!

Those are my thoughts. What are yours?

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